The Residential Fund (Chamber of Commerce number 34366452) is a public limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands, with its corporate seat in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
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The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of these financial statements are set out below. These policies have been consistently applied unless otherwise stated.
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The risk management function within the Fund is carried out with respect to financial risks. Financial risks are risks arising from financial instruments to which the Fund is exposed during or at the end of the reporting period.
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Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and adjusted for current market conditions and other factors.
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A spread by core regions is applied in the analysis of the valuation of the investment property portfolio.
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The Fund leases its property investments in the form of non-cancellable operating leases. The nature of the theoretical rent has an indefinite duration because there are no fixed contract periods.
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In 2019, € 0.2 million (2018: € 0.6 million) of the maintenance expenses related to unlet properties.
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Where administrative expenses relate directly to the operation of the property portfolio, they are charged to operating expenses. Where administrative expenses relate directly to the development of the property portfolio, they are capitalised.
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The Fund had no external loans and borrowings during 2019. The Fund was subject to the negative interest rate development for its bank balances.
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The Fund has opted for the status of Fiscal Investment Institution (FII). Although an FII is not transparent for tax purposes the FII regime is based on the principle of tax transparency.
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