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Report of Executive Board of Directors

34 search results

Demographics and social change

The major demographic trends in the Netherlands are population growth, ageing and urbanisation. Due to the ageing of the population, the working age population (15 to 65 years of age) will start to decline from 2021 onwards.

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Technology and Innovation

Corporates experimenting with emerging technologies and the availability of capital for PropTech will transform the real estate industry and the way we work.

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Occupier market

Related to the economic growth and positive outlook, companies are anticipating (further) growth, are more inclined to relocate and are more willing to invest in their office accommodation.

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Investment market

Given the low interest rate environment and the yield spread offered by real estate, investors’ capital inflow into real estate markets remained strong last year.

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Strategic objectives 2019

The Fund has a clear focus on future-proof office spaces, spaces that are defined by their flexibility and their role as meeting places. The offices in the Office Fund portfolio are inspiring places that people like to visit and want to work in.

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Focus on G4

The Office Fund has a clear focus on the G4, the four largest cities in the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht and The Hague). At least 80% of the Fund’s invested capital will be invested in these defined core regions.

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Focus on sustainability

The built environment consumes around 40% of the world’s energy and accounts for up to 30% of the world’s annual GHG emissions. Additionally, the building industry is a large user of raw materials.

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